Ram's Perspective
Just another blog portraying a 23 year old software engineer's view on anything, everything and nothing


Sunday, August 28, 2005
Many times in my life i have wondered what is the purpose of this chatting? why was it invented? Is it a computerised version of the chat we have in real life with our frends, the answer is a clear NO. B coz in reality, when we have a chat, we cannot hide somethings like our appearance etc. what we spoeak is truth ateast to some extent. But in the online chatting we hide everything.Nobody will show their true faces.
On the optimistic perspective the use of a chat is to pass some time and share some useful info among us and develop some frendship. but only a meagre amount of people who chat,belong this to optimistic category. They always see the positive side. but the other part which is more common is the negative evolution of this chat, cateorically speaking there are 3 kinda ppl.
1. These people log in and just hunt for some female ids and once they get it they beg the person to chat with them. I doubt whether girls do the same with boys because there is no need for them to hunt ids, we are always the volunteers both in terms of chat and love proposals.
2. The second category is the most common. They are the people who search for sex in chat. In fact this search has led to a new term called Cyber Sex. This sounds funny isnt it. Just before a week i found an id named "for_aunties_without_panties". Eventhough the id is creative :) he is just looking for someone to talk dirty. Some people are ready to talk dirty to persons of same sex also. Pathetic situation.....
3. There are some people who rename them selves to some female ids, log in as a female pretend to be so and have some chat with the people of the first category and even the 2nd category sometimes. Does these kind of people have some psychological problems?
Some ppl have become addicted to this chatting. I have myself seen this. I can see some ids which are online all the time when i log in to the system. I have the seen the same id being online in morning, evening and night. May be he might have a broad band. But isnt he wasting all the money and time in this chat. I dont mean to say that "Nobody should chat". One day i created a female id and logged into system for chat. Just within a few seconds my screen was populated with too many messages saying Hi, Hello ... one guy even said "Please chat with me, I beg you". the system hung because of these IMs.Thats when i realised how foolish they are. My point is jus say a Hello, if there is no response leave it, why do u need to beg like this? what will these girls or people pretending to be girls think about you? not many of us do tell our true names and our details in chat. I dont mean to say that "Give all your details" but somethings can be said like what r u studying, how you look, job etc. But nobody says the truth. The case filed by a Canadian tamil resident last week is a gud example. One woman deceived him in chat that she looks beautiful and she loves him, this fool gave more than a lakh to this woman, the funniest part is that she gave a tamil actress photo instead of hers and this guy believed in it. There are many similar people out there to do things like this.

In short chatting is another world in which people live with fake identity and false faces.But there are some exceptions....
6:28 AM :: ::
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